Scientific advisors
Meet our Scientific and Medical Advisory Panel.
These are the experts who advise us on our research programme.
The People
Dr Caroline Vipond - (Chairperson), Recently published articles below
Evaluation of candidate international standards for meningococcal serogroups A and X polysaccharide
Professor Simon Kroll - Honorary Medical Director and Vice-Chair, Trustee, recently published articles below
Characteristics and incidence of transfusion-associated necrotizing enterocolitis in the UK
Dr Xilian Bai - Recently published articles below
Immunogenicity of a meningococcal B vaccine during a university outbreak
Professor David Dockrell
Professor Tim Mitchell - Recently published articles below
Inflammation drives thrombosis after Salmonella infection via CLEC-2 on platelets
Immune ageing and susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae
Dr Simon Nadel - Recently published article below
Vaccine evaluation: lessons from a meningococcal B vaccine
Dr Mary Ramsay