Rod Adlington
The Adlington family lost their son Barney to meningitis in 2005 and have fundraised since, mainly through "Barney's Bash", a series of farm-based, one night mini festivals.
Rod feels that now is the time to become a Trustee and endeavour to bring some of his 25 years of front line business and fundraising experience to the charity that he and his family hold in very high esteem.
Rod runs Adlington Ltd, a food production company specialising in smoked and cooked poultry, supplying into the premium sector market. The company also farms very high welfare chicken under the Label Anglais brand and 10,000 traditional Christmas turkeys under the Adlington brand.
Rod's wife Anna runs a storage and property business.
Rod and Anna have 3 children, Toby, Lily and Monty, who all play rugby. Toby, at 17, has been lucky enough to play at Twickenham last year as his school won the National school cup. Outside of standing on the side of a rugby pitch, Rod is never happier than racing one of his "leaky old wooden sailing boats" (his wife’s words), either around the estuary in Salcombe, or across the Med in Mowgli, a 38 foot 1960s racing yacht.