Ian Watkinson
I first came to know Meningitis Now following the death of my baby grandson, Charlie, from pneumococcal meningitis in 2010 and the wonderful support my family received from them at that terrible time.
We were devastated and guilty that we did not recognise the symptoms ourselves and quickly resolved to do as much as we could to create awareness for other families. We have organised lots of fundraising events in our local communities but never miss the opportunity to talk about the disease.
I’m fortunate to have time available, so I began to volunteer regularly for Meningitis Now, attending events, giving talks and handing out literature. After a while, I was honoured to be invited to become a Community Ambassador, a role I love.
Being an Ambassador enables me to give even more back to the charity that helped us so much, to help repay the debt we feel. I get so much out of the work, spreading the word and creating awareness, knowing that just one person taking on board the message can save a life.
Meningitis Now is a big, caring family with shared experiences and a drive to protect people and families. I’m proud to play a small part.