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Meningitis and its Impact – Our Believe & Achieve Conference

21st March 2024

We recently held an online conference centered around the impact our Believe & Achieve programme has had on children and young people who have been affected by meningitis.

Believe & Achieve

We recently hosted a successful online conference all about our Believe & Achieve programme. The conference, titled 'Meningitis and its Impact – A Life-Changing Programme of Support for Teenagers and Young Adults,' was an opportunity to share the successes, challenges and results of our B&A programme with supporters, partner organisations and leaders in the youth sector.

Believe & Achieve aims to support 11–25-year-olds who have been impacted by meningitis to achieve their goals, overcome challenges, make new friends, learn new skills, celebrate successes and grow in confidence.

The programme has been running since 2018 with funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and the impact of the programme is life-changing – enabling young people to build a future after meningitis.

Speakers included Director of Chrysalis Research Dr. Natalia Buckler, members of our Support Services team who are responsible for the success of the Believe & Achieve programme and our Chief Executive, Dr Tom Nutt.

The speakers discussed:

  • The principles and practicalities of setting up and running a bespoke programme of support for young people – from initial concept, securing funding, to outcome-led delivery.
  • How to recognise and address the specific needs and challenges faced by young people impacted by a life-changing health-related experience.
  • How developing a tailored programme of support can create the environment and conditions to enable young people to succeed in their personal lives and develop their confidence.
  • The importance of engaging with funders and keeping them informed throughout delivery.
  • How the Believe & Achieve team managed the difficulties of measuring and demonstrating the impact of a programme through embedding proven impact measurement tools – especially when every person’s entrance, exit, experience and journey is different.

During the conference we were able to share the report produced by Chrysalis Research and adults who were previously part of the Believe & Achieve programme shared their stories – some for the first time. They reflected positively on the programme and talked about the immeasurable impact Meningitis Now has had on their lives.

Our Support Services Manager, Becky Hartwell said, “This conference showed the heart of Believe & Achieve through its beginnings, ethos, impact and the future. We gained learnings and understanding through the first five years of Believe & Achieve and created a model that we were able to share with others. We were also privileged to have young adults who’d benefitted from the programme sharing their experiences and how being part of Believe & Achieve changed their lives for the better. I can’t wait to see where Believe & Achieve goes next. One thing is certain, our young people will always be central to it.”

Thank you to our guest speakers and to all who attended the conference for your support.

Find out more about Believe & Achieve and get involved via our website or by emailing our Believe & Achieve Youth Work Coordinator, Mikala Gatley via BelieveAndAchieve@meningitisnow.org

You can find a full and shortened version of the report and a short summary video of the conference below.

Full report can be downloaded here.

Shortened report:

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