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Logan P's story

29th August 2018

Gillians’s son Logan was just 5 months old when he became ill, but thanks to Gillian trusting her mother’s instinct and prompt treatment he’s gone on to make a full recovery. Gillian, from Falkirk in Sterlingshire, tells their story here

Logan P's story

“Logan was 5 months old when he had a cold just after Christmas. On 2 January Logan seemed to be breathing faster with a temperature.

We called NHS24 who called back two hours later. By that time he had been sick.

“At the hospital he was taken up to the Children's Ward, where he continued being sick for a few hours. By this time it was 2 o'clock in the morning so the doctor suggested he stay in for the night. By 7am the next morning Logan was really poorly. The doctor suggested antibiotics as a precautionary measure. This doctor saved his life!

“Logan had a lumbar puncture at 5pm that evening and two hours later it was confirmed he had meningitis and that the next 48 hours would be touch and go. The next three days were awful – Logan screamed almost constantly. The doctor believed his head would be really sore.

Turned a corner

“Then Logan turned a corner and one week after being admitted we took him home. He had to go back to hospital every night for the following week.

“We were so lucky. Logan made a full recovery with no lasting after-effects at all.

“The scary part of it was there were no classic symptoms but I believe we were in the right place at the right time with a fabulous doctor who started his antibiotics early.

“Although Logan has had no after-affects from meningitis, I am very paranoid and still panic when I see a rash - although Logan never had a rash when he was ill.

“I really believe a mother's gut instinct took us to hospital that night!”
