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Ensuring students "know when to sound the alarm”

12th August 2024

Our 2024 student campaign launched to encourage students to recognise meningitis as an emergency and ‘sound the alarm’ if they suspect meningitis.

Sophia - Student Campaign

We have been urging parents, universities and students to know how to recognise the signs and symptoms of meningitis, to act fast if they suspect meningitis and seek urgent medical help.

Meningitis Now Chief Executive Dr Tom Nutt says, “Meningitis is an emergency so we’re asking students to make sure they know when to sound the alarm.

If you or a friend are ill and getting worse, it could be meningitis. Sound the alarm by calling 111 or your GP – you could save a life.”

Universities are also being encouraged to order Meningitis Now’s free awareness materials, as part of our aim to have materials in every UK university over the next five years. Parents can also request a free student meningitis awareness pack.

Teenagers and young people at increased risk

Symptoms of meningitis include fever, headache, vomiting, muscle pain, dislike of bright lights, and a stiff neck. In cases of septicaemia (which can occur simultaneously), a rash that does not fade under pressure may also appear.

Dr Nutt added, “It’s really important that everyone is aware of the risk of meningitis because it can affect anyone at any age. Teenagers and young people are at an increased risk. This is because they are more likely to be carrying the bacteria that cause meningitis in the back of their nose and throats.”

“Vaccines are available to prevent some types of meningitis and most of these are available as part of the UK routine immunisation schedule. However, not all types of meningitis can be prevented by vaccines. Make sure you know the signs and symptoms and seek urgent medical help if you are concerned.”

Sophia’s story

20-year-old University of Manchester student Sophia Speirs nearly died from meningitis in 2023, but says her life was saved thanks to her mum and her university flatmates who sounded the alarm by calling the emergency services who rushed her to hospital.

Sophia says, “I had just celebrated my 19th birthday and five days later I was fighting for my life in intensive care.

“I woke up feeling incredibly achy, which quickly turned into violent sickness. I was telling people I had a sick bug but I knew something was really wrong - I just didn’t want to believe it.”

Feeling even worse

Meningococcal meningitis is an infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be fatal and can kill within 24 hours. Its early symptoms can be mistaken for the flu or even a hangover so it’s vital for students to know when to seek help and ‘sound the alarm’.

Sophia added, “I woke up the next morning feeling even worse. I heard my mum ringing me to check I was ok, but she quickly realised I was unable to speak properly. I was slurring my words. She got me to text my flatmates asking for help.”

“Two of my flatmates then came rushing into my room. My parents also called campus security who came straight away.”

Grateful to be alive

Sophia spent three nights in intensive care in Manchester Royal Infirmary, another nine days in a high dependency unit and a final three days on a regular ward. She had emergency surgery for a septic joint in her hip, and had myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), as well as permanently losing hearing in her right ear.

Sophia says, “I am grateful to be alive and although I feel unlucky, I know that compared to others I got off lightly! I am really keen to spread awareness. It’s so important that university students know what to do in a case of meningitis.”

Our student campaign 2024 aims for young people to know the signs and symptoms of meningitis and seek urgent medical help if someone is ill and getting worse.

For more information and resources for students, young people, carers and universities please visit our Students and Universities pages.

If you have been affected by meningitis, contact the Meningitis Now nurse-led Helpline on 0808 80 10 388 or email helpline@meningitisnow.org.
