“Angus was born perfectly healthy. The first few days at home were okay but he wasn't settling and had developed a horrible cry.
“I asked the midwife to come out and visit as I was concerned about him. He was four days old.
“She arranged for us to take him to the neonatal unit at the local hospital to get him checked over, though she admitted that as he was eating and putting on weight it was probably nothing to worry about.
“While he was being examined there he had two seizures. They did a lumbar puncture and we were told he had Group B Strep meningitis. The next day we were told he also had septicaemia.

“For the next five weeks he was on a cocktail of antibiotics and then he was discharged as an outpatient and we had to go in every day for an hour to get his meds for the next two weeks.
Incredibly lucky
“He got micro abscesses in the gross motor area of his brain. He has been incredibly lucky and apart from a slight delay in his walking and his speech being delayed, for which he is getting speech therapy, he is a perfectly normal little boy.
“The hospital told me about Meningitis Now and they visited soon after Angus was discharged and advised us on how they could help, put me in touch with a family that had a similar experience and gave us a financial grant to pay for speech therapy sessions while we were on the NHS waiting list.
“The sessions have made a big difference. We still have a long way to go but I can't express how grateful we are for the help.”