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24 hours, 3 peaks, 1 cause

31st July 2023

24 hours, 3 peaks, 1 cause fundraising for Meningitis Now

“Any sponsorship and support you can spare will be much appreciated and will contribute further to Sophie's physical and mental wellbeing.”

Many of you will have read Sophie’s story on our website and how her life changed forever when she contracted meningitis this time last year.

Now, to help provide the adaptations and specialist equipment she will need to enable her to return home and live independently, as well as specialist rehabilitation, her family and friends are busy fundraising.

Next week sees one of the big challenge events as part of this taking place when her brother Robert and 13 of his closest friends will be raising additional funds by climbing three of the highest peaks in the UK within 24 hours.

The team taking on the challenge consists of friends and ex-rugby players who were part of the original Pill Harriers youth rugby team that was coached by Sophie's father Steve from when they were 12-years-old.

Team of big brothers

Sophie recently published on her blog that she was only 4-years-old when the team was formed and had always felt she had a team of big brothers.

The challenge will take place on Friday 28 July, where they will travel to Fort William, Scotland in preparation to climb the highest of the three peaks, Ben Nevis (1,345m). From there, they will travel down to the Lake District to climb the highest peak in England, Scafell Pike (978m) before finally climbing Snowden (1,085m), the highest mountain in Wales.

Organiser Carl Barnett told us: “This gruelling challenge is going to test the team not only physically but mentally. But Sophie's dedication and resilience is an inspiration to all of us and I’m sure we’ll achieve our target.

Support appreciated

“Any sponsorship and support you can spare will be much appreciated and will contribute further to Sophie's physical and mental wellbeing.”

Sophie told us: “I really didn't want to ask for help with fundraising but I've been spurred on by friends and family who would like to help me get my life back, the one I've so desperately fought to keep and in doing so we shall spread the word about spinal cord injuries and meningitis, as this isn't something I ever thought would happen to me.”

The group has already raised over £7,000 of their £10,000 target. Find out more and support their efforts.

You can follow the challenge on Instagram and follow for updates via Sophie's blog.

Read Sophie’s meningitis story.
