No plan B for MenB
MenB is one of the most common causes of meningitis in the UK. MenB kills. It changes lives forever. Its impact is devastating, cruel, life-changing – and preventable.
We have effective, life-saving vaccines against MenB, and vaccines are the only way to prevent meningitis. For those most at risk, there is no plan B for MenB. We must vaccinate those most vulnerable to protect them – now.
What we’re calling for
Here is what we are calling for to protect people in the UK from MenB:
We need your help
MenB: what you need to know
What is the MenB vaccine?
The MenB vaccine helps protect against disease cause by meningococcal group B (MenB) bacteria. MenB is one of the most common causes of bacterial meningitis in the UK. The vaccine used in the NHS routine immunisation schedule is called Bexsero and made by the pharmaceutical company GSK. Other vaccines are available, such as Trumenba, made by Pfizer.
There are many different MenB strains. This vaccine has been developed to offer protection against as many as possible. The MenB vaccine also offers some protection against other types of meningococcal disease, including MenW. No vaccine will offer complete protection from meningitis, so remaining vigilant is vital.
Babies receive three doses – at 2, 4 and 12 months old. Anyone receiving the vaccine over the age of 2 years only requires two doses. Find out more in our MenB factsheet.
The MenB vaccination to be given to all those at most risk of disease
The two groups most at risk of MenB disease are babies and young children under five, followed by teenagers and young people aged 15 to 24. The MenB vaccine was introduced as part of the NHS immunisation schedule in 2015 for infants, protecting babies and young children in the UK.
But the vaccine was not introduced for teenagers and young people, leaving this age group unprotected. This was because the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) determined the MenB vaccine was not cost-effective for this age group.
Instead, the government promised to review the cost-effectiveness of the MenB vaccine, and to carry out a carriage study to understand whether the vaccine creates herd immunity. If a vaccine can be shown to create herd immunity, that will make it more cost-effective as it will be offering protection to more people.
Carriage: Meningococcal bacteria can live harmlessly in the back of the nose and throat – this is called carriage. Teenagers and young adults are more likely to be carrying meningococcal bacteria – up to one in four carry meningitis-causing bacteria in the back of their throats, compared to one in ten in the general population.
Herd immunity: Some vaccines only offer protection to the vaccinated person, but some can protect the wider community too. If a vaccine can prevent the carriage of bacteria, that can reduce the risk of others getting meningitis. This is called herd immunity.
Carriage study: A study that investigates whether a vaccine can reduce the carriage of bacteria, therefore protecting the wider population rather than just those who are vaccinated.
Unfortunately, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the carriage study had to stop. However, research in Australia suggests that the MenB vaccine does not create herd immunity.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, cases of meningitis fell to an all time low in the UK, because of social distancing and other measures that were in place. In the years following, cases of MenB disease are increasing amongst teenagers and young people.
We believe the MenB vaccine should be offered to teenagers and young people. It is vital that we protect this at-risk age group. And when you take into account the full scale of the devastation meningitis can cause, we believe that this is cost-effective. There is no other way to prevent MenB disease – we must vaccinate young people to protect them.
A MenB booster programme to protect adolescents from 2030
The MenB vaccine was introduced for infants in the UK as part of the NHS immunisation schedule in 2015. By 2030, those infants who were the first to receive the vaccine will be turning 15. Teenagers and young people are an at-risk group – because up to one in four of them carry meningitis-causing bacteria in the back of their throats, compared to one in ten in the general population.
As such, we are calling for a MenB booster programme to be introduced for adolescents from 2030. Current estimates suggest that the MenB vaccine is unlikely to provide long-term protection – so those who were vaccinated as babies are unlikely to have a good level of protection into their teenage years.
This generation were the first to be protected from MenB as babies and young children. It’s crucial that this protection continues as they enter another high-risk stage of their life. We believe a MenB booster programme is essential to continue saving lives and protecting our young people.
Availability of MenB vaccination on the high street at a fair price
The MenB vaccine is available privately through high street pharmacies, private GP services and travel clinics. However, the high cost of this vaccine makes it inaccessible to many people. For those over the age of two, two doses are required. Each dose costs around £110, meaning it would cost around £220 to vaccinate one person, though costs vary depending on the provider.
We are calling for the MenB vaccine to be available at a fair price on the high street – so more people have the option to privately vaccinate their loved ones if they wish.