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Believe & Achieve Activity Day

B&A group photo

Event information


Saturday 20 July 2024


SGS College, WISE Campus, Bristol

When: Saturday 20 July 2024, 10am - 4.30pm

Where: SGS College, WISE Campus, Bristol

Who: 11-17 year olds directly or indirectly impacted by meningitis

What: B&A Activity Day 2024

Believe & Achieve events are all about young people turning up just as they are, having fun and spending time with people who get it…and this day event will be no exception!

The day is designed around the five ways to wellbeing.

Connect: Meet and connect with new people. Our fab Peer Mentors will also be on hand to share their experiences and give you support and tips along the way.

Get active: Ever fancied trying a new sport with a twist? Get ready to play rugby in state-of-the-art facilities – but this time we’ll be on wheels. Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Coaches will give us a masterclass in this exciting sport. Great fun for everyone.

Take notice: Unlock your hidden artist with a creative session where you can let your imagination run wild and create a masterpiece.

Learn: Learn new skills and create tracks to lift our mood in a musical production workshop, coached every step of the way by industry experts. Will we unearth a musical star of the future?

Give: Just by coming along you will be creating memories to last a lifetime for you and the rest of the group. What could be a better?

The day is free to attend. We’ll provide lunch and pay travel expenses up to £100 per person.* Have a chat with us about an additional budget for an overnight hotel stay if you need to break up the journey. We can fund up to £75 per person if needed.

You can bring a friend along too.

Worried you don’t want to do all the activities? That’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, and we’ll work together to find a way you can be involved. Our staff, and the rest of the group, will be there every step of the way.

Like the sound of this event, or want to find out more?

Email Mikala at: BelieveAndAchieve@meningitisnow.org

*. Please have a chat to the team if you are unable to travel within this budget but would still like to attend.

A huge thank you to the National Lottery Community Fund, whose funding has made this event possible.
